Friday, September 21, 2007

Strange Days Are These

After a strange and somewhat horrible week of confrontations with Landlords, strange rashes, confrontations with Doctors, settling in at schools and major property decisions (which all resulted in a teeny bout of homesickness) the Mitchells are back baby! And furthermore, we're moving. (obviously after confrontation with landlord).
We have taken a 12 month lease on a lovely house just down the road (but far enough away from the above mentioned landlord). We're moving in tomorrow so I will post pictures of the house and moving adventures (of which there should be many as David's only helper is me and 'muscles' George Mitchell). Hopefully it won't end in divorce.

But my main news is the fabulous resilient settling in powers of our children who, I'm sure you will all agree are the most fabulous children in America. George started preschool and loves it. He has a new friend called Matthew and they always hold hands (heads up Sal!)
Sabine is starting to shine at her new school. Today she won an award for best demonstrating this weeks rule of 'treat others as you would be treated'. For your viewing pleasure I have managed to overcome the tremendous obstacle of my own technological ineptness and have not only taken a video of her receiving the award but have downloaded things and run things and posted things and in general been brilliant while not understanding what it is I'm doing in the manner of all geniuses. Here it is .......(probably this will win an Emmy).

It's kind of hard to see her in the video so here is a picture as well so Nana doesn't go mad on me
Isn't she fabbo? So now we are off to move our still unopened boxes and try to navigate our way through the maze that is satellite broadband, digital television and American phone companies......(oh dear, could be another trying week!)

1 comment:

sal said...

hi guys,
bloody hell just to leave a message wa a dilema!!! as you know i am not that computer literate. Am lovin the photos, have noticed though miss B you are not featuring in any! George and Sabine look fab and sound like they are going wonderfully, you go guys!!
Love the 'stang can not wait to go for a spin in yankee land.
Bianca loved the heads up comment, does matthew dress beautifully, smell fab and have impecable taste?
love to you all