Wednesday, September 5, 2007

International School Career leaves Mother in Foetal Positon

We are so proud of our girl today! She started school today at her new American school and what a superstar she is. There was hardly a nerve in sight....she was much more excited and only looked lost for a minute or two standing in her class line. Then she started a conversation with the little girl in front and bob's your uncle. bff. Triumph!!

If only the same could be said for the neurotic mother. I fought back the tears as she stood a little lost in the line then I teared up completely I'm afraid while the precious little thing tried to keep her cool as everyone around her said the pledge of allegiance. God Bless Her. Then I practically followed her to her classroom. The poor child couldn't lose me. Directly following that I made my way to the car (mustang) and cried my head off.

Later, when the neurotic mother had to phone the school on completely unrelated business she happened, just in the passing of normal conversation mind you, to ask the office lady if she perchance had heard any crying around the halls that morning. The neurotic mother was told "I went into Year One Mrs Mitchell and I met your daughter. She is a lovely sweet child. She's fine." I mean god. I was only casually asking. Now we can't wait for her to come home and hear all about it. Even George keeps saying "I wonder how Sabine's going......" She'll be home in 4 hours and 48 minutes so I'll let you know......


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