Thursday, April 17, 2008

My life as an Alien

my life as an alien

From: biancavern, 1 hour ago

SlideShare Link


LisaW said...

hmmmm, does SAHM have too much time on her hands? that was freakin' hilarious! rotflmao. I'll trade you anytime. Lis.

Bianca said...

look, i would justlike top point out that it's a 15 minute drive to town (where sabine's school is) and back and well, really, I'm very important and busy. so there.

Bianca said...

and also I'm a very good typer and speller

LisaW said...

that must suck getting in and out of the van all day long! no wonder you need a coffee and a rest!! you must feel like you just sit down and its time to go again.

Anonymous said...

I f*cking LOVE it!!! You are my hero!

I am SO impressed that you took the time to put this together. It's a virtual scrapbook of your life and it is priceless!

Have I mentioned lately how fabulous you are? Really, you are.