look, i would justlike top point out that it's a 15 minute drive to town (where sabine's school is) and back and well, really, I'm very important and busy. so there.
that must suck getting in and out of the van all day long! no wonder you need a coffee and a rest!! you must feel like you just sit down and its time to go again.
In June 2007 I moved from Maitland, Australia to California with Davy, Sabine and George. This blog is a kind of online travel journal type thing of our adventures
hmmmm, does SAHM have too much time on her hands? that was freakin' hilarious! rotflmao. I'll trade you anytime. Lis.
look, i would justlike top point out that it's a 15 minute drive to town (where sabine's school is) and back and well, really, I'm very important and busy. so there.
and also I'm a very good typer and speller
that must suck getting in and out of the van all day long! no wonder you need a coffee and a rest!! you must feel like you just sit down and its time to go again.
I f*cking LOVE it!!! You are my hero!
I am SO impressed that you took the time to put this together. It's a virtual scrapbook of your life and it is priceless!
Have I mentioned lately how fabulous you are? Really, you are.
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