Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Happiest Place on Earth etc

The happiest place on Earth certainly is very crowded. I guess everyone wants to be happy. We had to wait in a lot of long lines. The longest wait was the new 'finding Nemo' submarine ride which is set in the Barrier Reef and so the voice over was an Australian accent which was noice. The wait to experience that marvel was about one hour. (Incidentally the ride consisted of looking out of the submarine windows at model coral that was obviously meant to recreate the Barrier Reef but people were taking pictures of it out the tiny windows. What's up with that? It's not the real reef people! It's cement!)
Anyhoo, around here when you go to Disney the first question you get after is 'was it busy?' to which I replied 'yes'. The second question is 'how long did you wait for Nemo?' Well, as it turns out, apparently one hour is not busy at all and people routinely wait for three hours for every ride and so only get to do like three or four rides a day. Happiest place on earth my arse! But the Mitchell's had a fabulously happy day. It was grand! George's favourite was Space Mountain. Here is a picture that they took when we were on the roller coaster and then charged outrageously for it. Check George out! Space Mountain is a roller coaster that is completely in the dark, and I mean completely. You can't see anything at all and it goes WAY too fast in my opinion. I was holding on to Sabine for dear life. She's so tiny and i felt like she would just be ripped away and fall out and I'd never see her again. We did not like it at all thank you very much and the whole time were saying to each other 'god, is it nearly over' and 'i don't think we should go on this again Mummy' and 'certainly not. Is it nearly finished do you think?' etc etc. In the photo I'm smiling but it's only to suppress the gag reflex.

Much to the surprise of both Davy and I we ended up staying quite late. (We both thought we'd be over it by lunchtime but it really was fun.) Everything was decorated for Christmas and it was really very cool. Here is Cinderella's castle
So of course we've also had our strange, cold Christmas. We didn't have a white Christmas but we did have a white boxing day which led Davy to sing 'I'm dreaming of a white Boxing Day' although technically they don't have boxing day here. Christmas Eve is a holiday and it's back to work on Boxing Day. Craaaazzzy! We had a very nice day, all be it different from usual. It was kind of nice not to have to go anywhere but it really didn't feel like Christmas. I mean it was cold for one thing. What's up with that? We did have a fabulous fresh Christmas tree (they are so nice here) and lots of pressies. The guitar was a hit, as were all the construction things. Guess what? Here's a picture......No, not really, I can't find a good one. Instead here's a very short movie of the old girl in the snow..........It's very short because Blogger takes a long time to upload videos and i just can't be arsed waiting.

We have more snow forecast for tomorrow and we're hoping there'll be enough to use our new snow tube and slide down the hill in the backyard. (note to self, is 911 here, not 000). We're planning on hitting the slopes (how cool am I?) in about a fortnight. Davy, as most of you know is a top fabo skier. The kid's and I will be learning........oh dear. Have high hopes for gorgeous type ski instructor though.....ha ha wish me luck! ( on the ski instructor, not the skiing, no amount of luck will help me there, we all know about my lack of graceful balance in shoes on the street, God help me on skis and worse, chair lifts, aaahhhhhh). Will post from hospital bed while in traction.......xxxooo


Unknown said...

what an extremely odd nation you've moved to. How do they sit down to watch the boxing day test if they've got to go to work???? I'm flabbergasted

Anonymous said...

oh dear skis!! be very very careful

Anonymous said...

well what an advanture your having.
You look like the Starwars trio.