Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Aliens Have Landed

Obviously a lot has happened to the Mitchells over the past eight weeks and, as is pretty usual, I've really been a bit slack in keeping in touch. Well, all that's about to change with this high tech bloggy thingo! To celebrate the first episode I've gone to the enormous trouble of summarising the past eight weeks and magically weaving it into a poem! It's got pictures and all!

We left Maitland in the rain
We jumped aboard the jet plane
Bianca and Sabine didn't sleep much in the air
Davy and George can sleep anywhere!

We landed in the USA
We stayed in the badlands for four weeks and one day
People at midnight screamed, swore and cried
and shot guns in the air on the Fourth o' July

We went to San Diego for a few days
We watched a Killer Whale put on a display
We fed the dolphins frozen fish
We bought it for $US5.00 a dish!


Davy was an alien with no social
Bianca was nothing, about which she was vocal
Then Davy got his blessed number
and at night we could peacefully slumber (except for the guns and the shouting and the swearing)

Bianca sped during the driving test
Davy passed and with his license was the best
Bianca passed on the second go
but was told to watch the lead toe (which will be hard in the mustang)

Now we're here in Bear Valley Springs
You drive through a security gate to get in
It's very pretty with deer and squirrels
Which are like rats but cuter.

The big truck came and bought all our things
The men unloaded the boxes what they bringed
It's very nice to have our clothes and stuff
But nothing fits because of Reece's Peanut Butter Cups

But our favourite so far
was when we jumped in the car
and drove to LAX
to pick up Millie who flew with Jet Pets!

last but not least.......

We went to see about a 'stang in Corona
Your man said he couldn't sign her over 'cause he didn't own her
It's too long a story for this rhyme
But we'll have a mustang before next time!


Unknown said...

Bianca I liked it alot,
your balladeering(?!!!) is really hot.
If finding a 'tang takes too long,
you could always write a country and western song.
And just remember if your man needs to play,
send him out to make another trebuchet.

Sorry the best I could do at short notice. Love from the Griffins

Anonymous said...

I've got a eep and my friend an abu
do you know what we got
Without much ado?
Or too hard for you lot.