Monday, August 18, 2008

Wow! What a Big Apple!

To tell you the truth I really never thought I would go to America. The only place that really held any interest for me was New York. It's a bit of a bucket list place for me but as there are so many other countries in the world I want to see I wasn't sure I'd ever get there. Well, we've uprooted the family, had a massive (and sometimes unsettling) year, our children speak with American accents and we've had to watch the Olympics without Joanna Griggs but isn't that all worth it to spend a week in New York?

Before I get to New York though let's do a debrief of Mark and Pat's pedal to the metal visit. As a natural list maker and family holiday historian Pat gave me a list of everything they purchased while in SoCal. I submit that list now for your reading amusement. The comments in parenthesis are editorial)

watch (2 watches purchased, one DKNY and Pat had to continually ask me what the DKNY stood for)
Make up (including literally massive quantities of mascara. Really. She kept going back to the store for more. It's a five year supply at least).
Batteries (I don't even know how much Mark purchased but every time we went to the supermarket he would make a bee line for the battteries. It would seem that batteries and mascara are much cheaper here but we were considerably worried about him getting through security at LAX with that many batteries in his luggage.)
2 necklaces and 1 pair of earings
Travel Shaver (Mark's beard was getting a little big and he had to shave like George Michael for a while so was necessary purchase)
Ashtray x2 (one from Vegas and one for Ned with Harley Davidson theme)
Novelty Talking Elvis Pen (when you press the button it says 'thank you very much' among other gems
Back Massager (to relieve stress from shopping for novelty purchases)
Wooden Shell (nick nack type thing going straight to the pool room)
Ped Egg x 2 (like a cheese grater for your feet for at home pedicure. One for Mum, one for Gayle)
Opaque Tights
Cocktail Glasses from Bubba Gump Shrimp co (which was lunch destination)
Skirt (size 2. Mum would want me to tell you that. Is very proud family moment)
Frock (for Amanda's fabbo upcoming wedding)
San Fransisco Mug
Shoes (obvioulsy)
Shot Glasses (obviously)
Glasses form the fabulous Las Vegas Luxor x2
Cashmere Cardigan (was bargain of the trip. $10 from Gap)
Novely Oscars x2 (displaying such awards as 'worlds best Grandmother' etc)
Sunglasses (which broke on the way home)
20 t-shirts (20!!!!!!)

They got home safe as many of you know and it was really terrible to say goodbye and I had a bit of a teary drive home from the airport but it's all good. Especially because while they were here they looked after the kids and we went to New York! Let me tell you about it.

We took the red eye from vegas (I mean cool does that sound!!!!!!) and arrived at the crack of dawn (8.00am) in NYC but obviously, as is American custom you can't get into your hotel room until practically midnight (3.00pm). We ate eggs in a jerry seinfield type diner and we were so tired we went to Central Park and sat down and then had a little sleep on the grass (for 2 hours). We went to the big Museum with actual proper dinosaurs (though not alive obviously) and that was the day.

The next day a very unfortunate incident occured. After giggling like school girls at the MOMA because everywhere we looked was the most famous painting in the world we made our way down Park Ave, along 5th ave, through the park and to the Guggenheim (BIG bucket list item). Davy and I had considerable difficulty getting in though. We tried this door and that door and couldn't find the entrance. We decided to ask at the gift store and (this is where the unfortunate incident occured) I opened the bloody door over my bloody toe breaking it (my toe, not the door). I sat down to have a moment while davy went in and asked how to get in to the museum and was told 'the museum is never open on Thursday" in a voice to rhyme with 'you bloody idjit!" This all brings me to my next list as a historical recorder of holidays (must be genetic)
Things that are hard to do with a broken toe
1. walk 30 blocks
2. listen to husband saying 'walk it off chick, it's only 30 blocks'
3. ride subway with so many people it seemed like entire population of Sydney in car with us (though obviously if Sydney was populated entirely with Americans)
4. Walk with husband around entire Battery Park and seemingly entire island of Manhatten

The only thing that consoled me was that I left blood on the underside of Frank Lloyd Wright's beautiful building thus linking me to the Guggenheim in future times when they uncover relic and find my DNA.

The next day I got up and walked to the bathroom (which granted is not a very long walk in a New York hotel room) and my toe felt great. It looked bad for sure and i knew it would be a while before i wore my lovely new stilletos but it felt so much better I thought I'd be fine. Unfortuantely, after using the bathroom I opened the bloody door over my bloody toe again....same toe!!!!! After crying I got dressed and we went to catch a boat.

We waited in line with what seemed like the entire population of Melbourne and got on a cruise type thing to go and look at the Statue of Liberty. It was a 75 minute cruise and unfortunately after the first 15 minutes davy started to say.."Seen it. I want to get off now."

We did make it to the Guggenheim and Davy made sure to interpret the sculpture pieces for me by whispering such critiques as 'that's poo with buildings on it' etc. I spent most of the time in alcoves doubled over laughing.

Most of you know that Davy and i can''t stand musicals and we felt such peer pressure to go to a show ("you simply must see a show in New York) but WHY? WHY? Why do they have to sing every word? Instead we went to a Yankees game and watched the A-Rod do not very much. We did eat peanuts and hot dogs and drink beer and had a fantastic time though!!!!! And then we had a night in Vegas, total winnings none. Total losses, considerable. Then we came home. The End.