Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mark and Pat's T-Shirt buying Spree Across California

Due to technical difficulities (i.e. laziness) I haven't updated the blog in a while. Nothing much happened here for a really long time and then all of a sudden, there's a million things to write's like that really, isn't it? Anyway, Mum and Dad are here right now and we've done so much that it's hard to report it all so once again I've put my brilliant talents to use and constructed a poem detailing the recent past events. We've been everywhere man (and I'm starting to wonder whether they're actually interested in the cultural events and sights they have seen or just see it as another great place to buy a novelty t-shirt. Anyhoo, get ready to be wowed.....

First it was quite
All was a hush
Then Mark and Pat arrived
And all was a rush

"What next? What next? What should we do?
What's on tomorrow?'" was all they could say
and I started to wonder
When are they going away?

So we took them to Universal
They saw sets and crashes and burning planes
they rode on rides
and loved Wisteria Lane
(t-shirts purchased 3)

They were attacked by Jaws
which made Mark move
Which was quite different from Macy's
Where we lost Pat and bought shoes
(t-shirts purchased 4. Total T-shirt count 7)

Then...."What next? What now?" they would say
'Where shall we go? What's on today?"

So off to Santa Monica
we ate lunch at Bubba Gump
Then onto Muscle Beach
where we saw lot's of lumpy bumpy lumps.
(t-shirts purchased 2. Total t-shirt count 9)

And then we got home.
"What next" They did say.
"What are the plans for tommorrow?
What shall we do with the day?"

So I took them for a drive
Five hours at least
To San Fransisco
Along highway 5. east.

We took the Golden Gate Bride
And took pictures and said ooh! Ay!
But then we realised it wasn't the Golden
It was only the bay (bridge that is)

We froze on the wharf
Took a boat in the Bay
We saw Alcatraz
But decided not to stay
(t-shirts purchased 3. total t-shirt count 12)

Then we drove home
After China Town and a cable car
but it wasn't long
We didn't get very far........before

"What next? Where to? Where shall we go?
What places can we see? What stuff can we know?"

So Lord have mercy, I had an idea
I gave them the car
and told them
"Go away, go away, go very far from here"

I put gas in the van
and sent them on their way
To Las Vegas they went
At Sin City they did go astray
(T-shirts purchased 2. total T-shirt count 14)

Peace. And then the phone rang
"Oh what a day! What things we have seen!
What places we have stayed"

"We've been to the Grand Canyon
We've toured Hoover Dam
We've gambled at Casinos
We've been proositioned for a time share scam!"

And then in this litigious land, Pat fell down
In the Luxor Foyer
There was water on the floor
"Do you know a good lawyer?"

They saw Paris and the Pyramids
New York and the strip
And they're even getting the hang
of when to give a tip

And then today they came home
"where next? Where too?
How many T-shirts do I now own!?!"

So back in the van i will go
More t-shirts to buy
emblazoned with words like
Hollywood! Beverly Hills! and Rodeo (drive that is)
predicted t-shirts they will purchase 17 000 (feels like)

But next week my karma pays up
Davy and I are off on a plane
To New York, to the met
and to a Yankees game (Go Yankees..... whoever you are)

And then when we get home
More things to do they will seek
Which I will fill you in on
After I've slept for a week.